Wednesday, November 30, 2011


This is like one of my all time favorite fantasy movies, and this movie inspired me to become an artist. I still have old drawings I did from this movie when I was in the third grade, tucked neatly away in an old Ninja Turtle Folder my mom bought me to put my homework in. Fun stuff. I whipped out the old "prisma" color pencils, "See For Yourself" Watercolors, and a Blue Sharpie to render this one. The blurs and text were added with Photoshop. After doing digital art for almost the last seven years, I must say nothing beats traditional mediums. I really missed the textures and feel of the paper beneath my hands. It's great. I'll definitively do more of these.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Day-28 Teen Wolf


Favorite scene in all of "Bram Stokers Dracula" is like the first 5 to 10 minutes of the film when the Count turns his back on God and becomes a vampire. Usually I turn the movie off after seeing that first scene. The rest is ok, but I think that first scene was beautifully directed. Not to mention Gary Oldman, Anthony Hopkins, and Winona Ryder are great actors/actresses. Done with Red Sharpie, Red Prisma Color pencil, Faper-castell pens, and See For Yourself Watercolors. Did the Font and enhancements in Photoshop CS5. This is my first traditional medium piece i've done in a long while. I'm not particularly happy with the pose or the proportions, but I think it was a first good attempt since I've been away from pen and paper for so long. My next one I'll try to do better.